Horticulture Programs
Horticulture, or urban land use, focuses on topics such as resource-efficient landscape design, irrigation water conservation, nutrient recommendations, consumer preference, and invasives. These topics are the subject of the center's annual Urban Landscape Summit, which brings Extension and industry professionals together to discuss and present on the current research.
The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ program teaches residents how to incorporate low-maintenance plants and environmentally sustainable practices into their home gardens. The Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Program recruits individuals who are interested in gardening and enjoy sharing what they learn with others. Certified Master Gardener volunteers work through their county Extension office to educate Floridians and provide research-based information about gardening. The Gardening Solutions website brings Florida homeowners and gardeners easily accessible, trusted information about Florida-Friendly plants, sustainable landscape practices, and ways to beautify their yard and garden.