Dr. Lakesh Sharma

Assistant Professor

Lakesh Sharma

Dr. Lakesh Sharma is an assistant professor of soil fertility and sustainable nutrient management.  His experiences are in soil fertility issues, soil tillage study, slow-release nitrogen fertilizers, a ground-based active optical sensor for in-season nitrogen recommendations, site-specific farming, and economic-based fertilizer recommendations. His Extension focus is on revising and refining Best Management Practices (BMP) drawing on this experience and research findings. Dr. Sharma aims to educate agriculture stakeholders about BMP for soil fertility, slow-release nitrogen fertilizers, and economic-based fertilizer recommendations, among other production considerations. He received his Ph.D. in soil science from North Dakota State University in Fargo.

Research Areas

Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences, Soil Fertility and Sustainable Agricuture

G155 McCarty Hall A
PO Box 110290
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: (352) 294-3167
E-mail: lakesh.sharma@ufl.edu

Research Focus

  • My research area is best management practices in agriculture. My focus is to improve nutrient use efficiency and reduce their loss. I am interested in using the old philosophy of nutrient recommendation with current precision agriculture tools to improve crop yield and quality. My goal is to develop economic nutrient recommendation models to reduce fertilizer use and improve crop yield.


Other faculty

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  • Lisa Krimsky

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  • Tina McIntyre

    Tina McIntyre

    Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Agent

  • Don Rainey

    Don Rainey

    Water Resources Regional Specialized Agent

  • Basil Iannone

    Dr. Basil Iannone

    Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Urban and Residential Landscape Ecology

  • Erin Harlow

    Erin Harlow

    Residential and Commercial Horticulture Agent

  • Nasser Najibi

    Dr. Nasser Najibi

    Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist

  • AJ Lindsey

    Dr. AJ Lindsey

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  • Mary Lusk

    Dr. Mary Lusk

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  • Ryan Klein

    Dr. Ryan Klein

    Assistant Professor

  • Michelle Atkinson

    Michelle Atkinson

    Horticulture Agent

  • Claire Lewis

    Claire Lewis

    Director, State Specialized Agent

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    Dr. Eban Bean

    Associate Professor

  • Yilin Zhuang

    Dr. Yilin Zhuang

    Water Resources Regional Specialized Agent

  • Nick Taylor

    Dr. Nick Taylor

    State Specialized Extension Agent

  • Jerry Murphy

    Gerald Murphy JD, AICP, CFM

    State Specialized Program Agent – Flood Resilient Communities

  • Gail Hansen

    Dr. Gail Hansen


  • Paul Monaghan

    Dr. Paul Monaghan

    Extension Specialist in Community-Based Social Marketing

  • Taylor Clem

    Dr. Taylor Clem

    County Extension Director

  • Jay Capasso

    Jay Capasso

    Water Resources Regional Specialized Agent

  • Chris Marble

    Dr. Christopher Marble

    Associate Professor

  • AJ Reisinger

    Dr. Alexander Reisinger

    Associate Professor

  • Headshot of Michael Dukes

    Dr. Michael Dukes

    Director, UF/IFAS Center for Land Use Efficiency

  • Laura Warner

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  • Wendy Wilber

    Wendy Wilber

    Statewide Coordinator

  • Hayk Khachatryan

    Dr. Hayk Khachatryan

    Professor and Extension Economist

  • Catherine Campbell

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