Dr. Ryan Klein
Assistant Professor
Environmental Horticulture
Fifield Hall, PO Box 110670
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 273-4519
Vita (PDF)
Dr. Klein's research focuses on the risk associated with urban trees and their survival following hurricanes and other intense storms. His interests center around exploring the impacts that urban forests have on the health and safety of urban populations. He views the relationship between people and their natural surroundings as being especially significant since most of the world's population live in urban areas and urban sprawl continues to consume our remaining natural spaces. Human interactions, such as planning and management become ever more important to the sustainability of our urban forests. Thus, it is vital for research to address these issues and bridge the gap between human culture and the natural world.
Dr. Klein’s research interests include:
- Assessing the impacts of trees on the health and safety of urban populations
- The damaging effects of hurricanes on urban tree survivability
- Risk perception of trees and its influence on the decision-making process
- Deficiencies in arboricultural education, training, accreditation, and professionalism
- Refining industry standards and best management practices
- Tree worker safety training programs
- The propagation of species from outside of established hardiness zones
- Cultural views and personal preferences regarding urban trees plantings
- 2020 — Ph.D. Environmental Horticulture (Urban Tree Risk Assessment), University of Florida
- 2016 — M.S. Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida
- 2014 — B.A. Anthropology, Western Illinois University
- 2008 — B.A. Business, Columbia College Chicago
Recent Publications
- Klein, R.W., Dutton, C.L., and A.K. Koeser. (Submitted). Development of a low-cost traffic counter for assessing likelihood of impact for tree risk assessment. Arboricultural Journal.
- Klein, R.W., Koeser, A.K., Hansen, G., Warner, L., Dale, A., and J. Watt. (Submitted). Professional Expertise and its Role in Risk Assessment. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.
- Klein, R.W., Koeser, A.K., Hauer, R.J., Miesbauer , J.W., Hansen, G., Warner, L., Dale, A., and J. Watt. (Submitted). Visual Estimation Accuracy of Tree Part Diameter and Fall Distance. Journal of Forestry.
- Koeser, A.K., Smiley, E.T., Hauer, R.J., Kane, B., Klein, R.W., Landry, S.M., and M. Sherwood. 2020. Can Professionals Gauge Likelihood of Failure? - Insights from Tropical Storm Matthew. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 52:126701.
- Klein, R.W., Koeser, A.K., Kane, B., Landry, S.M., Shields, H., Lloyd, S., and G. Hansen. 2020. Evaluating the Likelihood of Tree Failure in Naples, Florida (United States) Following Hurricane Irma. Forests. 11(5):485.