Dr. Basil Iannone
Associate Professor
School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Building 106, Room 4
PO Box 110940
Gainesville, FL 32611-0940
Phone: (352)294-7499
Dr. Iannone's lab site
Vita (PDF)
Dr. Iannone is an associate professor in forest resources and conservation and specializes in geospatial analysis of sustainable and resilient land development. He is also a member of the Sustainability Human and Ecological Development group.
The human population growth projected for Florida and elsewhere is likely to result in increased land use change and development, potentially leading to negative impacts on both the availability of important resources such as water and on the ability of remnant natural areas to function and provide ecosystem services. Dr. Iannone's research and extension programs utilize geospatial tools, as well as other analytical and interdisciplinary approaches, to address this complex issue. The goal of his programs are to devise and promote real-world strategies to: (1) mitigate the negative environmental impacts of current and future land development and (2) design, construct, and manage urban and residential landscapes to support greater levels of biodiversity and ecological functionality.
Dr. Iannone received his PhD from the Ecology and Evolution Program, Biological Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Research and Extension
- Land development and land use change
- Biological invasions
- Spatial analysis
- Ecology of designer ecosystems
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services/functioning
Recent Publications
Kendig, A. E., S. Canavan, P. J. Anderson, S. L. Flory, L. A. Gettys, D. R. Gordon, B. V. Iannone III, J. M. Kunzer, T. Petri, I. A. Pfingsten, and D. Lieurance. 2022. Scanning the horizon for invasive plant threats using a data-driven approach. NeoBiota 74:129-154. https://neobiota.pensoft.net/article/83312/.
Hess, K. M., J. S. Sinclair, A. J. Reisinger, E. Z. Bean, and B. V. Iannone III. 2022. Are stormwater detention ponds protecting urban water bodies? A case study using depressional wetlands. Urban Ecosystems 25:1155-1168. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-022-01208-9.
Whitman, B. G., B. V. Iannone III, J. K. Kruse, J. B. Unruh, and A. G. Dale. 2022. Cultivar blends: a strategy for creating more resilient warm season turfgrass lawns. Urban Ecosystems 25:797–810. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-021-01195-3.
Nighswander, G. P., J. S. Sinclair, A. G. Dale, J. Qiu, and B. V. Iannone III. 2021. Importance of plant diversity and structure for urban garden pest resistance. Landscape and Urban Planning 215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104211.
Phillips, H. et al… (120 authors, B. V. Iannone III) E. K. Cameron. 2021. Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity, and corresponding environmental properties. Scientific Data 8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-021-00912-z.
Sinclair, J. S., L. S. Reisinger, C. R. Adams, E. Z. Bean, A. J. Reisinger, and B. V. Iannone III. 2021. Vegetation management and benthic macroinvertebrate communities in urban stormwater ponds: implications for regional biodiversity. Urban Ecosystems 24:72-735. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-020-01072-5.
Iannone III, B. V., S, Carnevale, M. Main, J. E. Hill, J. B. McConnell, S. A. Johnson, S. F. Enloe, M. Andreu, E. C. Bell, J. P. Cuda, and S. M. Baker. 2020. (Most Popular Paper, 2020-present). Invasive species terminology: standardizing for stakeholder education. Journal of Extension 58: Feature/v58-3a3. Open Access: https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/joe/vol58/iss3/27/.
Grants Awarded Recently
Total of $3.2M in External (15 awards; $2.5M) and Internal (28 awards; $0.7M) Funding Since 2016.
2023 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Morpho Program. Developing data-driven approaches to enhance the ecological benefits of residential landscapes. Iannone III, B. V., Minor, E. C., Davis, A. Y., Levey, R. L., Hall, D., Larson, K. L., McCary, M. A., Ossola, A., Rihn, A. L., Turner, V. K., Wilson, S. B., Lerman, S. B., Langellotto, G. A., and Ballut, N. ($125,000; In review).
2023 U.S. NSF DISES Program. DISES: Valuing and managing anthropized ecosystems: primary and secondary services provided by stormwater ponds in urban landscapes. Reisinger, A. J., Laughinghouse, H. D., Monaghan, P., Savchenko, O., Atkinson, M., Bean, E. Z., Iannone III, B. V. and Smidt, S. ($1,599,994).
2023 U.S. EPA Clean Water Act 2021 319(h) Program. Integrating educational and research activities to promote stormwater pond plantings as BMPs. Iannone III, B. V., Monaghan, P. F., Atkinson M. K., Reisinger, A. J., Lusk, M., Bean, E. Z. ($196,761).
2023 UF|IFAS Center for Land Use Efficiency Program Enhancement Award. Restoring food web resources in residential landscapes: are native landscaping plants helping? Iannone III, B. V., Bohlen, P., Dale, A. G., Hostetler, M., Jones, P. and Kipp, J. ($15,000).
2023 USDA RREA Funding. Capitalizing on a Stormwater Management Project for Environmental Extension/Outreach. Iannone III, B. V. ($4,400).
2022 Sunbridge Stewardship District and Tavistock Group. Native landscaping in master planned communities: identifying suitable species and establishment methods. Kipp, J., Jones, P., and Iannone III, B. V. ($65,737).
2022 The Nature Conservancy Florida Chapter. The triple bottom line of reduced impact presidential landscape designs – SF-BMP living laboratories. Kipp, J., Jones, P., and Iannone III, B. V. ($30,000).
2022 UF|IFAS Center for Land Use Efficiency Program Enhancement Award. Developing frogfruit for widespread use in Florida landscapes. Kenworth, K., Dale, A. G., Iannone III, B. V., Lindsey, A. J., Unruh, J. B. ($28,100).