Professor and Extension Economist
Dr. Khachatryan’s research program confronts economic theory with experimental methods to investigate factors driving consumer demand for green industry products and services, and studies the link between urban environmental policies and pro-environmental behavior. Recent empirical work estimates the effects of policies and regulation on consumer behavior, such as sustainable production labeling or economic incentives for water conservation in the urban environment. Other projects integrate stated preferences and visual attention data to investigate shopper behavior and effectiveness of point-of-sale advertising and promotions.
Dr. Khachatryan’s Extension program focuses on sustainable developments in the environmental horticulture industry, as well as determination of impacts of horticultural practices and policies in the urban environment. His program aims to improve marketing practices and profitability of environmental horticulture industry firms (greenhouse/nursery growers, wholesalers, retailers, landscape services firms, and allied suppliers) through educational support to county Extension agents and industry stakeholders.
Dr. Khachatryan received his PhD (Interdisciplinary; Economics, Marketing, and Environmental Science) and MA (Applied Economics) from Washington State University.