Dr. Gail Hansen
Landscape Design
Environmental Horticulture Department
Fifield Hall, 2550 Hull Road, Rm 1139
PO Box 110670
Gainesville, Florida 32611-0670
Phone: (352) 273-4506
Dr. Hansen is a professor in the Department of Environmental Horticulture, and an Extension specialist in sustainable landscape design. Her teaching and extension programs address sustainable science-based and art-centered landscape design practices that take into account the social dimension of green urban environments, environmental protection, and the quality of life for urban dwellers.
Dr. Hansen graduated with a Masters and Ph.D. in landscape architecture from the University of Florida, and currently teaches courses in residential landscape design (LDE3410C), sustainable design (LDE4404C), and a new course in urban ecology of the built environment (ORH4932). This transdisciplinary course introduces students to urban ecology with a focus on the interactions between the structure and function of the physical and social components of urban landscapes.
Teaching and Extension
- Sustainable, science-based/art-centered landscape design
- The social dimension of green urban spaces
- Design and implementation of specialty landscapes and gardens
- Urban landscape policy and practices
Recent Publications
Roberts, J.W., Koeser, A.K., Abd-Elrahman, A.H., Hansen, G., Landry, S.M., & Wilkinson, B.E. (2018). Terrestrial Photogrammetric Stem Mensuration for Street Trees, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2018.07.016
Hu, S., Hansen, G., & Monaghan, P. (2017). Optimizing shoreline planting design for urban residential stormwater systems: Aligning visual quality and environmental functions. HortTechnology, 27(3) 310-318. DOI: 10.21273/HORTTECH03580-16
Monaghan, P., Shangchun, H., Hansen, G., Ott, E., Nealis, C., and Morera, M. (2016) Balancing the Ecological Function of Residential Stormwater Ponds with Homeowner Landscaping Practices. Environmental Management. DOI 10.1007/s00267-016-0752-9
Ryan, K., Koeser, A., Hauer, R., Hansen, G., Escobedo, F. (2016) Relationship between perceived and actual occupancy rates in urban settings. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. Volume 19, 1 September 2016, Pages 194-201
Select EDIS (Electronic Data Information Source) Publications
Ott, E., Monaghan, P., Wells, O., Hansen, G., Warner, L., and Atkinson, M. (2015) Strategies to Encourage Adoption of Stormwater Pond Best Management Practices (BMP’s) by Homeowners http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/aec552
Hansen, G., Ivins, S., Park-Brown, S. (2015) Landscape Design Software: Evaluations and Recommendations for Non-Professionals http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep526
Hansen, G. (2015) Learning Landscapes: A Manual for the Design and Implementation of Teaching and Demonstration Gardens. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep52400
Hansen, G., Warner, L., Monaghan, P., Ott, E., Fogarty, T., Lewis, C., and Momol, E. (2015) Perceptions of Florida-Friendly Landscapes: Linking Visual Quality and Environmental Health through Landscape Codes. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep519
See all of Dr. Hansen's EDIS publications
Current Funding
Title: “Creating Effective Extension Materials for Homeowners and Green Industry Professionals: A Study with Direct Application and Immediate Potential Impact”
Duration: 2017-2019
Funding Agency: University of Florida, Center for Landscape Conservation and Ecology, Graduate Student Support Grant
Award Amount: $28,000
Role: Co-Principle Investigator
Title: “Climate Change and Landscape Architects: Survey of Beliefs and Practices”
Duration: 2017-18
Funding Agency: Council for Educators in Landscape Architecture
Award Amount: $25,000
Role: Co-Principle Investigator
Recent Extension Projects
Bee Lab Demonstration/Teaching Garden 2018
Students in LDE4404C (Fall 2018) designed a pollinator demonstration garden and research/teaching garden for Dr. Jamie Ellis, Director of the Bee Lab and Mary Bammer, Extension Coordinator for the Bee Lab>
Hillsborough County Parks Carrollwood Community Park Arboretum Plan, 2019
Worked with landscape architecture OPS student to develop tree planting plan for park arboretum. In collaboration with Greg Brown, Hillsborough County Parks Department and Andrew Koeser, Assistant Professor Environmental Horticulture.
Conservation Plan Rolling Hills Golf Course, 2019
Worked with two landscape architecture OPS students to develop concept plans for a decommissioned golf course to convert course into conservation and nature-based recreation Community Park. In collaboration with Adam Dale, Assistant Professor, Entomology, and Tina McIntyre, Extension agent, Seminole County.
Santa Rosa County Park Design, 2019
Collaborated with Milton City Planner, Milton REC Environmental Horticulture Professor, Mack Thetford, Santa Rosa County Horticulture Extension Agent, Mary Salinas, and Claire Lewis, Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program, to design new City of Milton Community Park, Butterfly House, and Learning Center.
Website- Landscape Change: Climate Change Information, 2018
Developed website on climate change challenges/information for landscape architects, designers, and horticulture experts in assist in better design solutions. In collaboration with Michael Volk, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, UF. Website located at: https://dcp.ufl.edu/landscapechange/
Deltona Community Center Park Plan, 2018
Designed community park/garden with emphasis on health and wellness. Includes raised bed gardens, hort therapy program, children’s garden, wildlife garden, farmers market, art and music garden, pavilion and activity lawn, and meditation garden.
Mid-Florida Research and Education Center Teaching Garden, 2017
Teaching/demonstration landscape that includes a native plant garden, rock garden, annuals and perennials, and arboretum. ($2,000 value professional design fees).
Landscape Design Guidelines, Native Plant Society, Villages Chapter, 2017
Developed native plant design guidelines and pattern book for Villages retirement community. In cooperation with Lloyd Singleton, Seminole County horticulture extension agent. Student participants: LDE4404C Spring semester.
UFHSA (UF Historic St. Augustine) Historic Ribera House Courtyard Design, 2017
Courtyard design for historic St. Augustine property, in cooperation with UF Campus Planning and UF Historic St. Augustine (UFHSA). Student participants: Jennifer Marvin, PhD and LDE4404C students.
Florida Memorial Hospital Community Edibles Garden, Orange City, Florida, 2016-2017
Designed in collaboration with Volusia County extension office and the Florida Memorial Hospital staff the two acre garden includes 80 raised beds and a pavilion for teaching and community events. Student participant: Jennifer Marvin, PhD. ($7,000 value professional design fees).