Dr. Catherine Campbell

Assistant Professor

Catherine Campbell

Catherine Campbell, PhD, MPH, is Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist of Community Food Systems in the Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences at University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. She conducts social science research on food systems to support community health, sustainability, and resilience. Her research focuses on understanding the behavior, motivation, and decision making of food systems stakeholders—including producers, consumers, and local governments—with a special focus on urban food systems. Originally from Virginia, Dr. Campbell attended the College of William & Mary for her undergraduate degree and then the University of Florida for graduate school.

Her research uses social-ecological models to examine the values, decision making, and behavior of food producers, consumers, and decision makers. The targets of her research are small family farms; urban food production, distribution, and sales; and community-based programs and policies to increase access to healthy food and reduce negative health outcomes. Current research projects focus on urban food production and sales, urban agriculture policy and regulation, and the preferences of urban consumers.

Another research focus is the social and environmental factors that contribute to lack of access in the food system, including access to healthful food, in the distribution of benefits and burdens, and in diet-related illness. Specific targets of this research are culture, values, and social norms, as well as community resources and food environments, particularly in populations who have low access to healthful foods in their communities. Dr. Campbell’s research informs development of community food systems policies and programs targeting social and environmental factors to increase access to affordable fruits and vegetables, reduce obesity and improve health outcomes.

Family, Youth, and Community Sciences

University of Florida
McCarty Hall B, G-081
Gainesville, FL
Phone: (352) 273-3502
E-mail: cgcampbell@ufl.edu

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