Dr. Basil Iannone named 2024 FANREP Outstanding Specialist

September 10, 2024

Dr. Basil Iannone named 2024 FANREP Outstanding Specialist

Dr. Basil V. Iannone III was recognized as 2024 Outstanding Specialist by the Florida Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals (FANREP) last month. Awards were announced in March and were presented at the Extension Professional Associations of Florida (EPAF) conference in August.

The Outstanding Specialist award recognizes achievements of UF/IFAS specialists who collaborate on a regional or multi-county level with FANREP members on impactful natural resources extension projects.

Those nominating Dr. Iannone noted his leadership and communication skills. “He is a natural teacher and explains complicated ecology concepts so that all understand the vision of the project,” wrote one colleague. “He is one who is not afraid to make waves in asking hard questions about Florida’s landscapes.”

Another nominator wrote, “Basil Iannone has identified a critical Extension need—mitigating the environmental impacts, and increasing the ecological value, of Florida’s rapidly expanding urban areas. Basil’s work is reshaping land development and landscaping practices, thereby helping to protect Florida’s invaluable natural resources.”

When asked about the award, Dr. Iannone was quick to point out that he doesn’t work alone. His graduate students, Brooke Moffis, Chamoda Dissanayake, and Victoria Cope are leading ongoing research projects. He added, “My work would not be possible without the talented county agents with who I collaborate, including Brooke Moffis, already mentioned, but also Michelle Atkinson and Mike D’Impero.”

Dr. Iannone also credits his team of undergraduate researchers, as well support from CLUE and the Program for Resource Efficient Communities (PREC).

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