Tina McIntyre
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Agent
UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County
250 W. County Home Road
Sanford, FL 32773
(407) 665-5560
Vita (PDF)
Tina McIntyre is the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ agent with UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County. She specializes in surface water quality and quantity, best management practices related to landscape management, and restoration of urban green spaces. Tina came to Extension after serving for four years as Senior Biologist at the Orange County Environmental Protection Division where she surveyed the lakes, rivers, and streams of the county and worked in the laboratory. Prior to that, she worked for six years at the University of Central Florida Arboretum. During her tenure at UCF she also formally and informally taught students on a variety of topics including Ethnobotany.
Tina has a Master’s in Conservation Biology from the University of Central Florida.
Recent Referred National Presentations
- McIntyre, T. (presenter). May 24-26, 2021. Managing Nutrients in a Wild & Scenic River Basin: Provoking Behavior Change in Residential Fertilizer Users Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals National Conference. Oral. Virtual. Oregon State University, Bend, OR.
- McIntyre, T. (presenter). April 13-16, 2021. Protecting the Wild & Scenic Wekiva River: Provoking Behavior Change in Residential & Commercial Fertilizer Users. National Watershed & Stormwater Conference. Oral. Virtual. Center for Watershed Protection, MD.
- McIntyre, T. (presenter). Nov. 16-17, 2020. Managing Nutrients in a Wild & Scenic River Basin: Provoking Behavior Change in Residential Fertilizer Users. National Coastal & Island Specialty Conference. Oral. Virtual. Center for Watershed Protection, MD.
- Zhuang, Y. (presenter), T. McIntyre (presenter), Stump, K. (presenter), Pabon, E.(presenter), Samuel, N., Duncan, L., Hamilton, L., Warwick, C., Roger, K., Moffis, B. Dec. 1-3, 2020. Challenges and Opportunities of Using Facebook Live to Deliver Extension Educational Programs. Oral. Virtual. National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals (NAEPSDP) Conference.